Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Only Excetpion

Since from my previous blog, I been a hard time for me after that pose. Yet, I was trying so hard to overdue with myself now.Recently, most of my friends facing self-confident problem and love including me. Anyway, that had no real answer or solution how shall we face it and it depend on how u managed it.
Besides that, I had listening to a song recently non-stop. The song was The only Exception-Paramore. I had in love with the lyrics because it had brought a meaningful meaning to me.

When I was younger
I saw my daddy cry
And curse at the wind
He broke his own heart
And I watched
As he tried to reassemble it
And my momma swore that
She would never let herself forget
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love
If it does not exist

But darling,
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception

Maybe I know, somewhere
Deep in my soul
That love never lasts
And we've got to find other ways
To make it alone
Keep a straight face
And I've always lived like this
Keeping a comfortable, distance
And up until now
I had sworn to myself that I'm
Content with loneliness
Because none of it was ever worth the risk

Well, You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception

I've got a tight grip on reality
But I can't
Let go of what's in front of me here
I know you're leaving
In the morning, when you wake up
Leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream

You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception
You, are, the only exception

And I'm on my way to believing
Oh, And I'm on my way to believin

Why the lyrics had brought a meaningful meaning to me??
Because totally related to what I am thinking, saw, passed, and everything from the lyrics had mention. Do you believe it???
At the same time, until today I was not believe that love never last and i do on my way to believing it. Therefore, to all my friends who are facing love problem. I hope this song had make u felt much better and forgive everything for your partner and given yourselves another chance again because your partner are always the exception. That always what i believe on it.

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